US-China Carbon Consortium (USCCC)

20th Annual Meeting

The impact of rapid climate change and human activities on land carbon and water cycles

Xining, China | July 15 – 19, 2024

Organizers School of Ecology and Environmental Science, Qinghai University of Science and Technology

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Students as the Drivers


A very focused group


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Presentations (alphabetical list by last name)

Chen, JQ. Foundation for Estimating Global Warming Potentials (GWP) from Altered Land Surface Albedo
Chen, Tiexi et al. Estimation of terrestrial gross primary production-current progresses and challenges
Du, LT et al. Carbon and water cycle coupling of anthropogenic shrub ecosystem in desert steppe and its response to drought
Huang, WL et al. 结合多源遥感和生态模型的森林生物量监测与预测
Liu, D et al. Changing vegetation growth on Tibetan Plateau and its impact on carbon uptake
Liu, YB et al. Causes for the increases in both ET and water yield over vegetated mainland China during the last two decades
Sun, Ge. Wha is, and what is NOT Shui Yuan Han Yang (SYHY) Services?
Yue, X et al. Large potential of strengthening the land carbon sink in China through anthropogenic interventions Zhang, J.  Warming-induced hydrothermal anomaly over the Earth’s three Poles amplifies concurrent extremes in 2022
Zhang, L.  An Integrated Rate Methodology (IRM) for Estimating Terrestrial Water and Carbon Fluxes
Zhang, Z. Wetland methane feedback over the last decades
Zhao, X. The Role of Herbivores in Grassland Carbon Budget on Tibetan Plateau

19th Annual Meeting

Land carbon and water cycles under the changes of climate and environment

Nanjing, China | July 25 – 29, 2023

Organizers Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST)

(1) Multi-site and long-term measurements of ecosystem carbon and water fluxes
(2) Multi-source data fusion and new technologies for data analyses
(3) Modeling of ecosystem carbon and water cycles
(4) Multi-system interactions among climate, environment, and ecosystems




1. Sampurno_Bruijnzeel: From fluxes to flows: Incorporating the soil for greater realism in predictions of hydrological impacts of land-cover change

2. Jiquan Chen: Beyond Carbon and Toward a Holistic Understanding of Terrestrial Ecosystems in Regulating Climate

3. Weimin Ju: Delayed and accumulated responses of global GPP to drought

4. Yaoming Ma: The study on the carbon sequestration capacity of alpine grasslands on Earth's Third Pole

5. Tijian Wang: Development of the regional climate-chemistry-ecosystem coupled model

6. YingPing Wang: Coupling of energy, water and carbon cycle: a retrospective and prospective

7. Wenping Yuan: Terrestrial ecosystem modelling in China serving for the national carbon neutrality goal

8. Guoyi Zhou: The coordination between carbon sequestration and water resource maintenance for the forest ecosystems

9. Fei Li: Multi-scaled observations of carbon-water fluxes in grazing ecosystems and climateadoption management


11. Tiexi Chen: Estimating Global GPP Using a Machine Learning ApproachA

12. Xianglan Li: Methane Emissions offset Carbon Dioxide Uptake in Costal Blue Carbon Ecosystems

13. Xuguang Tang: Increasing temperature regulates the advance of peak photosynthesis timing in the boreal ecosystem

14. Yuanbo Liu: Catastrophic Shifts in Large Lake Levels

15. Bin Yuan: Flux measurements of air pollutants and greenhouse gases in urban areas

16. Guicai Li: Spatio-temporal variations and trends of global atmospheric carbon dioxide in last 20 years based on GOSAT data

17. Jie Pei: Risk assessment of crop yield reduction by ozone pollution in U.S.

18. Jingping Tang: Digital assessment system for land carbon sink

19. Shaoqiang Wang: Simulation study on the effects of ozone pollution on productivity and trainspiration of typical terrestrial ecosystems in China

20. Weishou Shen: Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria that mitigate nitrous oxide emissions advances and challenges

21. Xinyi Dong: Simulation of CO2 in China based on WRF-VPRM

22. jiquan Chen: Scientific Writing

23. Ge Sun: On accurately defining and quantifying forests hydrologic functions of Shui Yuan Han Yang (SYHY)

24. Jun Zhang: From Flow to Flux —chasing the wind



Special Issue for "Environmental Research Letters"

Nature-Based Solutions Toward Sustainability

Guest Editors:

Xu Yue, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China; Ge Sun, USDA Forest Service, USA; Mariska te Beest, Utrecht University, Netherlands; Jun Zhang, Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, Netherlands; Maricar Aguilos, North Carolina State University, USA; Xianglan Li, Beijing Normal University, China; Jintai Lin, Peking University, China

Scope: The nature-based solutions (NbS) aim to achieve co-benefits for human well being and ecosystems through effective actions, including practices and policies, in the management of natural and modified ecosystems. The application of NbS causes impacts on the carbon, water, and energy cycles among the Earth systems. In turn, the efficiency of NbS is influenced by environmental perturbations resulting from the dynamic interplay of climate change, societal factors, and technology advancements. To acquire a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and tradeoffs associated with NbS, emerging efforts are required for the integration of various methodologies, including direct measurements, remotely sensed information, Earth System Models (ESM), up-to date analyses such as meta-analyses, numerical simulations, artificial intelligence, and cross-disciplinary investigations. This special issue for Environmental Research Letters (ERL) provides an interdisciplinary outlet to advance the understanding of the effective roles of NbS by exploring feedback mechanisms within Earth systems. While not exhaustive, the proposed topics for this collection include: Responses of diverse ecosystems to the climate, environment, and societal changes. The role of NbS in enhancing land carbon sink strength and improving water quality and quantity, and other ecosystem services. State of art in integrating cross-site and long-term measurements and modeling of ecosystem fluxes. Advances in big data fusion, modeling, and integration technology through ESM and machine learnings. The economical and societal benefits of NbS in context of ecosystem functions and dynamics. Mechanistic understanding of coupling human and nature systems through the lens of climate, environment, and ecosystem interactions. Submission process Focus issue research articles must be of the same format and meet the same publication criteria as regular research Letters in ERL. They are also subject to the same rigorous review process, high editorial standards and quality/novelty requirements. Read the about the journal page for more information before submitting. For more comprehensive information on preparing your article for submission and the options for submitting your article, see our author guidelines. Please submit your article via our online submission form. You should submit the appropriate article type for your submission then choose 'Focus on Nature-based Solutions Toward Sustainability' from the drop-down menu. We encourage authors to include a cover letter, or separate justification statement (in the 'File Upload' step) outlining how your article meets the requirements of ERL, and why it is suitable for consideration in the journal, and focus issue (see the 'special requirements' section). Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2024 WebLink:

18th Annual Meeting

Wuhan, China | July 22 – 25, 2022


(1) Processes and regulation mechanisms of carbon, nitrogen and water cycle under complex terrain conditions (2) Emerging techniques and methods for flux measurement and analysis (3) Observations and researches on carbon and energy fluxes in urban landscape (4) Observations and researches on carbon fluxes in lakes and wetlands (5)Carbon cycle and paleoclimate during geologic time

17th Annual Meeting

Flux Observations, Analyses, and Simulations in Complex Footprint Surfaces


CHongqing, China | July 9 – August 2, 2021

Organizers Southwest University




1. Jingming Chen: New progress in the global carbon assimilation system

2. Jiquan Chen: Deep learning and flux predictions: a new frontier for USCCC

3. Trevor Keenan: The FLUXNET Co-op: A new NSF project supporting the international FLUXNET community for the next five years

4. A. Christopher: Oish: iEcosystem fluxes in complex topography: insights, challenges, and opportunities from the Coweeta eddy covariance tower

5. Ankur R Desai: Constraining the role of diel to interannual variability in lakes and reservoirs on global carbon cycle contributions: An eddy covariance study

6. Jingfeng Xiao: Studying diurnal variations of ecosystem processes from space

7. Housen Chu: A footprint-aware approach for model-data benchmarking across AmeriFlux sites

8. Xiaolu Tang: A newly developed approach to estimate aboveground autotrophic respiration in global forest ecosystems

9. Xufeng Wang: No trends in spring and autumn phenology during the global warming hiatus

10. Da Wei: Climate and human driven terrestrial carbon fluxes on the Tibetan Plateau

11. Xing Liu: Current situation and carbon storage estimation of mangroves in Zhejiang Province

12. Qun Du: Carbon balance dynamics of different ecosystems in Southwest China

13. Gang Dong: Magnitudes and regulations of carbon and water fluxes of alkali-saline ecosystems altered by contrasting land uses in the Songnen Plain

14. Lisheng Song: Remote sensing estimation and validation study of soil evaporation and vegetation transpiration

15. Xuguang Tang: Remote sensing monitoring shows China leading global recovery of karst ecosystem productivity

16. Yinsheng Zhang: Progress in the study of surface evapotranspiration loss from Asian water towers

17. Wenping Yuan: Study on the effect of atmospheric water stress on vegetation growth

18. Ainong Li: Discussion on stereoscopic observation and verification of mountain remote sensing

19. Fadong Li: Influence of observed precipitation regimes and tillage practices on continuous daily soil respiration of summer maize in the North China Plain

20. Shaoqiang Wang: Research and development of equipment for vegetation carbonyl sulfide (COS) trace gas observation device

21. Mingguo Ma: Brief introduction of the Chongqing Jinfo Mountain Karst Ecosystem National Observation and Research Station

22. Yingping Wang: Carbon-water coupling at regional to global scales

23. Guanghui Lin: Progress of flux observation in mangrove wetland ecosystem over the past decade in China

24. Xu Yue: Simulation study on the impact of afforestation on terrestrial carbon sink in China

25. Tiexi Chen: Potential impacts of extreme events on ecosystem carbon cycling in specific land management contexts

26. Lei Fan: Dynamics monitor global forest carbon stock based on SMOS-IC LVOD

27. Xin Jia: Spatial variability and influencing factors of soil respiration temperature sensitivity in forest ecosystems in China

28. Yanwei Wang: Carbon flux characteristics of typical degraded karst ecosystem during early stage of natural regeneration

29. Wei Zhao: Spatiotemporal seamless downscaling of passive microwave soil moisture remote sensing products

30. Ning Ma: Regional and global surface evapotranspiration product development and Spatiotemporal dynamics

31. Xingming Zheng: Estimation method of soil moisture by radar remote sensing with prior knowledge

32. Yu Gao: Lateral transfer of detritus carbon across an estuary wetland invaded by Spartina alterniflora

33. Miao Zhang: Effects of different irrigation modes on hydrothermal pattern of mountain oasis desert system on the north slope of Tianshan Mountain based on WRF climate model

34. Yanmei Mu: Effects of seasonal rainfall on interannual variability of evapotranspiration of shrub ecosystem in semi-arid area

35. Zhongxi Ge: Using remote sensing to identify the peak of the growing season at globally-distributed flux sites: a comparison of models, sensors, and biomes - Presentation Award!

36. Kunxin Wang: Study on evapotranspiration observation of Alpine wetland in central Tibetan Plateau

37. Xinyue Liu: Time-lag responses of vegetation to environmental factors vary with vegetation type and soil texture in a temperate grassland in North China - Presentation Award!

38. Dongxing Wu: Temperature sensitivity analysis of ecosystem respiration at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere

39. Chenguang Tian: Terrestrial productivity response in the context of global warming of 1.5°C/2°C

40. Xinhao Li: Trends and variability of soil respiration in urban plantation forests in Beijing

41. Hao Zhou: Study on the effect of scattered radiation on global terrestrial total primary productivity - Presentation Award!

42. Yangyang Fu: A satellite-based light energy utilization model to assess winter wheat yield in China

43. Chuan Jin: Interannual variation of resource use efficiency and drought in northern Chinese oil pine forest ecosystems

44. Ruikun Gou: Drought limits subtropical mangrove productivity in southern China - Presentation Award!

45. Yanan Chen: Quantifying the variability in water use efficiency from the canopy to ecosystem scale across main croplands

46. Huimin Zou: Model performance of ecosystem respiration in grassland on the Mongolian Plateau - Presentation Award!

47. Zewei Yue: Seasonal and Internanual Variations of CO2 in typical farmland ecosystems in the North China Plain

48. Yao Xiao: Complex surface temperature reconstruction

49. Guoqing Yang: Analysis of the attribution and driving mechanism of the impact of water volume change in Qinghai Lake from 1975-2014 - Presentation Award!

50. Xiaoyun Wu: Synergistic regulatory mechanisms of extreme heat and soil water deficit on water use strategies in poplar plantation forests in northern China

51. Yuxi Luo: Effect of vegetation succession on soil organic carbon dynamics and stability in a karst trough valley

52. Yun Zhou: Spatialization of population based on multi-source data and random forest - Presentation Award!

53. Shan Fu: Satellite-based Light Energy Utilization Model to Assess Corn Yield in Illinois, USA

54. Jing Huang: Carbon and water fluxes and their response to environmental factors in the southwest karst region

55. Rongkun Zhao: A review of remote sensing-based rice monitoring

56. Meihui Duan: Analysis of CO2 and CH4 emission fluxes and influencing factors in mangrove restoration areas in coastal zones

57. Pengyuan Wang: Simulation of site carbonyl sulfur (COS) and CO2 fluxes based on an improved BEPS model

58. Yixuan Li: Stability of soil aggregates and changes in organic carbon during the succession of abandoned arable land in karst trough valley area

59. Qingsong Zhu: Impact of age-dependent albedo on global warming potential in temperate forests

60. Hao Jiang: Forest resilience monitoring in southwest China based on multi-source remote sensing and Bayesian dynamic linear model

61. Lujun Xu: The influence of lakes on regional energy and material exchange under complex topography

62. Yanwei Wang: Flux observation of Puding Karst Ecosystem Research Station: from plot to small watershed scale

63: Xiaonan Guo: Dynamics of nocturnal evapotranspiration and its biophysical controls over a desert shrubland in Northwest China

64. Haibo Wang: Carbon fluxes of alpine, oasis, and desert ecosystems in Heihe River Basin

65. Fengxhu Yang: Comparison of different SIF remote sensing products in the Chinese region

66. Yanpeng Yang: Research on Land Cover in the Qilian Mountains Based on GEE Cloud Platform and Machine Learning Algorithms

67. Xiaoni Meng: Evaluation of the Performance of Different Methods for Estimating Evaporation over a Highland Open Freshwater Lake in Mountainous Area - Poster Award!

68. Shanshan Song: The impact of land-use and land-cover change on mangrove greenhouse gas emissions: A global meta-analysis


Trainning Workshops

    1. Jiquan Chen, Applications of biophysical models in flux studies
    2. Yanjie Li, R programming fundamentals and model building based on machine learning
    3. Ziwei Xu, Flux data processing and analysis
    4. Peiyu Lai, GEE-based big data mining
    5. Lei Fan, Writing paper in English



16th Annual Meeting

Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, China | July 25–28, 2019

Dynamics and Mechanism of Ecosystem Sustainability under Global Change

Organizers National Hulunber Grassland Ecosystem Observation and Research Station & Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Short video by Dr. Ge Sun



  1. Chen, Jiquan, et al. Sustainability of the Socioeconomic Ecological Systems along the Silk Road
  2. De Boeck, Hans. Short term impacts and legacy effects of heat waves and drought in alpine grassland
  3. Gao, Yu. Effects of biomass, daily and monthly tides on lateral detritus carbon flux in an estuarine wetland: An extension of the outwelling Hypothesis
  4. Han, Xibo. Improve Forest Quality and Enhance Carbon Sink Function Contribution from greater khingan Mountains Forest in Inner Mongolia
  5. Hao, Lu, et al. The Impacts of Urbanization-associated Land Conversions on Ecohydrologicaland Meteorological Processes in the Lower Yangtze River Delta Region
  6. Li, Fadong. In stu observation of soil CO2 flux and its isotopic ratio from cropland in the North China Plain
  7. Li, Xianlan, et al. Monitoring and Analysis on Blue Carbon Fluxces in Coastal Mangrove Restoration Area in Southern Zhejiang
  8. Liang, Naishen. Important Response and Feedback of Asian Terrestrial Ecosystems Carbon Cycle to Global Warming
  9. Lin, Guanghui. Comparisons in Ecosystem CO2 Exchange of Mangrove Wetlands among Multiple Sites
  10. Liu, Yibo, et al. Discrepancies in satellite-derived LAI products and effects on simulated carbon and water fluxes
  11. Lkhagvaa, Dansranbavuu.Estimating the Return of Investment in Mongolian Agriculture Using the Sectoral Balance Method
  12. Pueppke, Steve et al. Land, water , energy, and food systems in the Ili Balkhash basin of Central Asia
  13. Qu, Luping, et al. Heat wave and mowing effects on grassland Ecosystem
  14. Sun, Ge. A Critical Process for Understanding Ecosystem Functions and Services
  15. Zha, Tianshan. Divergentlong‐termtrendsandinterannualvariationinecosystemresourceuseefficienciesofasouthernborealoldblackspruceforest1999–2017
  16. Zhang, Fangmin. Uncertainties in carbon simulation& disturbance effects on carbon sinks and sources
  17. Zhao, Xiaosong, et al. Carbon Dioxide Flux over a Large Ephemeral Lake in China.
  18. Zhou, Decheng, et al. Potential impacts of climate change on vegetation dynamics and ecosystem function in a mountain watershed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Trainning Workshops

  1. 北京华益瑞科技有限公司. 生态气象仪器的野外现场标定
  2. 北京华益瑞科技有限公司. 物候数据处理
  3. Liang, Naishen. Long term Measurement of Soil CO2 /CH4 Flux& Grassland NEE using Automated Chamber System
  4. Chen, Jiquan. Developing Testable Hypotheses with Compelling Conceptual Framework
  5. Chen, Jiquan. Scientific Writing and Manuscript Development

15th Annual Meeting

Jiujiang, Jiangxi, China | AUGUST 15–17, 2018

Water-Heat-Carbon Nexus Fluxes in Terrestrial Water Bodies

The S&N International Hotel, Jiujiang

Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limonology (NIGLAS)
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Water Resources Research Center for Large-Lake Basin
Hydrological Bureau of Jiangxi Province
Jiujiang Science and Technology, Jiangxi Province
Poyang Lake Laboratory for Wetland Ecosystem Research, CAS

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