
Among scholastic achievements, the LEES Lab has submitted articles to newsletters and editorials, with its research being the subject of conference proceedings and presentations around the globe.

Ordered by most recent
  1. Amartuvshin, A., Y. Zhang, J. Chen. 2015. How does local mining impact on rural immigration: A case of Mongolia, Proceedings of Building Resilience of Mongolian Rangelands: A trans-disciplinary research conference, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, June 9-10, 2015.
  2. Chen, J. 2015. Editorial: Coupled human and natural systems. Bioscience. 65 (6) 539-540. DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biv066
  3. Chen, J. 2011. Hypothesis as the focus in ecological research. SinoEco Newsletter 1: 3-5.
  4. Chen, J. 2011. Are flux towers becoming advanced weather stations? FLUXNET Newsletter 4(2): 10-12.
  5. Chen, J., K. Czajkowski, R. Becker, and J. Gottgens. 2011. Responses of west Lake Erie Basin to climate change. Research and Activity Report, Winous Point Marsh Conservation 53-55.
  6. Waring, R.H., J. Chen, and H. Gao. 2011. Plant-water relations at multiple scales: integration from observations, modeling, and remote sensing. Journal of Plant Ecology 4: 1-2.
  7. Heckathorn, SA. & J. Chen. 2008. Editorial - Plants and Global Environmental Change: A Special Issue Highlighting Younger Scientists. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50: 1337-1338.
  8. North, M. and J. Chen. 2005. Introduction to the special issue on Sierran Mixed-Conifer Research. Forest Science 51(3): 185-186.
  9. LaCroix*, J.J., D. Zheng, S. Ryu, Q. Li, J. Chen. 2005. The effect of patch edge on the direction and rate of fire spread in Wisconsin with comparisons to a New Jersey landscape. Proceedings of the EastFire Conference 2005, May 11-13, Fairfax, VA.
  10. Zheng, D., J.J. LaCroix, S. Ryu, J. Chen, J. Hom. 2005. Comparison of fire spread related to weather, landscape structure, management alternatives, and fuel loading in two landscapes: Northern Wisconsin and New Jersey pinelands, USA. Proceedings of the EastFire Conference 2005, May 11-13, Fairfax, VA.
  11. Ryu, S., J. Chen, D. Zheng, M.K. Bresee, and T.R. Crow. 2005. Simulating the effects of disturbances and age structure on fuel loading in forest ecosystems of northern Wisconsin, USA. Proceedings of the EastFire Conference 2005, May 11-13, Fairfax, VA.
  12. Clark, K. L., N. Skowronski, J. Hom, G. Starr, R. Bracho, and J. Chen. 2005. Development and application of a stand level fuel moisture index based on measurements of forest energy balance. Proceedings of the EastFire Conference 2005, May 11-13, Fairfax, VA.
  13. Chen, J. 2005. Searching for the lost army of Cambyses and Sino-Eco Newsletter 18(1): 10-14.
  14. Chen, J. 2004. Advanced Ecology Lectures at Fudan University: July 9 - August 4, 2004. Sino-Eco News Letter.
  15. Chen, J. 2002. A pleasant trip to the 87th Annual ESA meeting in Tucson, Arizona. Sino-Eco Newsletter 9(2): 13-15.
  16. Chen, J. 2001. The Three Gorges Dam project: Report from SCB’s Delegation to China. Society for Conservation Biology Newsletter. 5: 6
  17. Euskirchen, E.S., R. Watkins, and J. Chen. 2000. Effects of Roads and Edges in a Fragmented Landscape in Northern Wisconsin, USA. Proceedings of the 4th Chinese Ecological Society. April, 25, Hanzhou, P.R. China.
  18. Chen, J., S. Bridgham, J. Pastor, J. Weltzin, X.Wang, C. Harth, B. Dewey, J. Keller, and K. Updegraff. 2000. Energy Flows in Peatlands and Temperature Responses to Heat and Water Loading: a Mesocosm Approach. The 11th Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium, April 3, 2000, Harvard University, Petersham, Ma.
  19. Chen, J. and S. D. Zhao. 1986. An Introduction to the Earth System Science. Journal of Terrestrial Ecology, July, 53
  20. Chen, J. 1984. Thoughts on Ecosystem Equilibriums. Graduate Newsletter, Academia Sinica, Vol. 4.