Welcome to UB2017

About the UB2017 data synthesis workshop

Drs. Jiquan Chen and Peilei Fan invite those interested in collaborating on synthesis products to join us June 2–5, 2017 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

UB2017 is a product-focused workshop that aims to connect collaborators with data and resources from two projects lead by Drs. Jiquan Chen and Peilei Fan.

Participants are encouraged to lead as first authors, submit a synthesis proposal, and find co-authors with the necessary expertise and data to realize their manuscripts. Further data and resources are made available in our online database and our reference library, both of which are pooled together from attendees.

Collaborators will unite over two projects

Coupled Human Nature Systems in the Mongolian Plateau
(CNH-NSF, PI-Chen)

Urbanization and Sustainability Under Global Change and Transitional Economies in Southeast, East, and North Asia


Each participant is responsible for their own lodging prior to arrival unless notified otherwise. View hotel accommodations here.

Synergistic outcomes

Each participant is encouraged to submit a synthesis manuscript proposal before January 30, 2017, which will form the online resources shared at UB2017.

Have a question?

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns about UB2017, such as logistics, proposals or travel.