Dr. Jiquan Chen, Professor
Michigan State University
Landscape Ecology & Ecosystem Science (LEES)
Google Scholar | ResearcherID | Research Gate | jqchen@msu.edu | 517-844-1884
Major Awards & Services
- Fulbright Global Scholar (2021)
- Williams J Beal Outstanding Faculty Award - MSU (2020)
- Distinguished University Professor - University of Toledo (2011)
- Outstanding Faculty Research Award - University of Toledo (2006)
- Outstanding Service Award, Chinese Association of Greater Toledo (2007)
- Charlie C. Bullard Fellow - Harvard University (1999 – 2000)
- ESA Fellow (2014)
- AAAS fellow (2011)
- Editor-in-Chief: Ecological Processes (http://ecologicalprocesses.springeropen.com/)
- Editor-in-Chief: Ecosystem Sciences and Applications (ESA) book series (HEP & DeGruyter)
- Editor-in-Chief: Landscape Series (Springer)
- Chief Scientisti, US-China Carbon Consorsium (2004-)
- Editorial Board: Landscape Ecol., Ag For Met, For Ecol Manage, Land, others